Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): BamHI/EcoRI--2.9, 1.5; BamHI--4.4; HindIII--4.4; PstI--4.4; EcoRI--4.4. The insert contains the following restriction sites (nt from the 5' end): BglII--875; PvuII--112; BstXI--1078; StuI--823, 1033. Detects human genomic restriction fragments of the following approximate sizes (kb): EcoRI--12; BamHI--8. A 1.069 kb BstXI fragment lacking both the 5'-untranslated sequence and the repetitive region from the 3'-end of the clone has been used as a single copy probe. For this construct, use the HindIII/BstXI fragment. The insert is in the KS orientation (5' to 3'). A consensus Kozak sequence with a HindIII site was inserted at the initiation ATG and 5' untranslated sequences were deleted. |